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We strongly believe that lighting is of paramount importance for all events, giving the audience a fully immersive show to remember, and lets face it without a lighting rig you wouldn't even see the artists.


Lasers offer another layer to your lighting show with synchronized pattern control and scanning. 

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Our Lighting

Beam Shows

Moving Head Beams

Product Details 

Our high output LED Beam lights are suitable for both small and large events. 


Custom looks and styles can be quickly created and ran live to bring your event to life. 




Strobes & Blinders

Strobes and Audiance Blinders

Product Details 

We stock multiple very high power strobes and blinder arrays.


These fast paced high impact lighting effects have the power to drive the audience excitement to the next level.




LED Tech

LED Lighting

Product Details 

We carry a wide selection of LED PARs, Bars. 


Ideal for illuminating the artists, décor. 

Flooding areas with Light.

Creating stage and back of stage lighting patterns.


Our Lasers

Laser Shows

Laser Show 1

Laser Beam Shows

Our full colour lasers create a stunning, high impact laser display that will truly wow your audience.


Our lasers are perfect for big or small events.


Our lasers are sure to make your event stand out from the crowd and one to remember.

Laser Safety

Laser Show 2

Procedures & Equipment

We follow the industry guidelines for all our lasers deployments and our laser shows are always ran by a skilled Laserist. 


Safety Equipment and procedures include:

  • RE-B3 laser distribution with Category 2 and 0 kill switches.

  • Lab Calibrated Laser Power Meter. 

  • Diopter lenses for close range crowd scanning. 

  • Laser safe-zone configuration.

  • A-Z fail-safe implantation. 


Custom Designs

Laser Show 3

Unique Displays

By harnessing the full power of Pangolins industry leading 'Beyond' software. Our Laserist can create custom looks, logos and displays. 


We can provide both timecoded lasers shows as well as real time displays. 

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