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Dancing in the Mist



Venue Installs

Sound & light is the heart and soul of your venue, be it a nightclub, bar or coffee show. A well balanced, clean and crisp sound system coupled with a intelligent lighting rig will keep your clientele returning to your venue.


Mindscape will provide your venue with the very best speakers, amplifiers, Lighting and control modules, choosing fittings and designs that match your venues aesthetic.


Mindscape will work with you to provide sound and lighting system operation and control interfaces that are easy to use and provide you with documentation and staff training as required.

Void Sound System - Mindsscape Event hire
Void Sound Systems - Mindscape Event Hire

Void Acoustics are industry leaders in loudspeaker design.


Their range of speakers for installs will cover everything from super clubs to coffee shops.


Opening a new venue?

Upgrading your nightclub?

Sound for the smoking area?


Mindscape can provide you with the very best the industry has to offer.

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